Installing and running Modsak
Windows installation
To install Modsak under Windows, download and execute the file modsak3.15_setup.exe. You can then run Modsak from the Start menu or by using the desktop icon.
Linux installation
To install Modsak under Linux, download the file modsak3.15.jar and put it in any convenient directory. You can then run Modsak using the command:
java -jar modsak3.15.jar
You will, of course, need to use the full pathname for
it's not in your current directory. You will probably want to create a
shortcut, launcher, shell script, or whatever to save you having to keep
typing the above command.
Java requirement
Since Modsak is written in Java, you will need a copy of the Java JRE (version 6 or later) in order to run it. If you are unable to run Modsak, try the command:
java -version
If you get an error from this command, then you do not have the JRE installed, and you will have to download it from Oracle.
Before you can use Modsak you will need to get a registration key.
If you have any problems setting up the Java environment, installing Modsak, getting a registration key, or using Modsak, please email us at and we will do our best to help.
If you are reporting a bug, please give a full description of what you
were doing and what went wrong. Include all the information displayed
in the Help->About
dialog, and also any output that was
sent to the command window.