ModMultiSim help v3.06 - 2.2. Slave Registers - Display and Editing
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Registers added to a slave are displayed in the Slave Registers area of ModMultiSim's main window. To view the registers of a specific slave just press the tab for that slave.
Each of the table columns (Address, Name, Value, Type, Radix, RW and Statement) is described in the section Add Register. The Updated column displays the time that a register was last written to.
The Name, Value, Type, Radix, RW and Statement items of a register can be edited by clicking on the item in the table and then entering/selecting the new value. To edit a statement, click the Statement checkbox. This will bring up the Edit Register Statement panel on → to allow a statement to be entered or edited. A quick guide to the language to use to enter a statement is provided in Language: Quick Start Guide followed by simulation examples. To remove a register entirely select the Delete a Register panel in → .
Editing of all columns (except Value and Radix) is disabled when ModMultiSim is serving a master or running the slave simulation, (i.e. when or are highlighted). Editing of the Radix column is always disabled when the type selected is a floating point, signed int, or discrete input/coil.