ModSnmp Manual v3.14 - 2. SNMP Interfaces

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2. SNMP Interfaces

The SNMP Interfaces pages enable you to configure the interfaces on which ModSnmp listens for SNMP requests.

By default, ModSnmp will listen on the standard SNMP interface (port 161/UDP). You only need to change these settings if you want ModSnmp to use non-standard or additional interfaces.

Details of all the SNMP interfaces that you have added are displayed in the SNMP Interfaces page. See Section 2.1, “Defining SNMP Interfaces” for explanations of the values displayed in each column.

2.1. Defining SNMP Interfaces

The Add SNMP Interface page enables you to define SNMP interfaces. To add an SNMP interface, enter the following data and then click Apply.

  • Type. UDP is normally used for SNMP, but it will work over TCP if that is what your SNMP manager uses.

  • Host. You would normally leave this field empty, which allows requests to be accepted via any network interface. But if you enter a host name or IP address of a network interface on the machine running ModSnmp, then ModSnmp will only accept requests via that network interface. For example, if you enter localhost (or then ModSnmp will only accept requests from processes running on the same machine.

  • Port. Enter the port that ModSnmp should listen on for requests. The standard SNMP port number is 161, but this is a "privileged" port and you will not be able to listen on this port on a Unix/Linux machine unless you are "superuser". This is not normally advisable, so it's better for testing purposes to use a non-privileged port (above 1023).

2.2. Editing SNMP Interfaces

An SNMP Interface definition can be edited using the Edit SNMP Interface page.

Use the Select Interface drop-down list to select the SNMP interface to be edited, change the values as required, and click Apply to save the changes.

2.3. Deleting SNMP Interfaces

SNMP interfaces can be deleted using the SNMP Interfaces page:

  • To delete a SNMP interface, select the SNMP interface and then click the Delete button.

  • To delete several SNMP interfaces, select them by clicking on them while holding down the control key, and then click the Delete button.

  • To delete all SNMP interfaces, click the Delete All button.

At least one SNMP interface must be defined in order to run ModSnmp.