ModSnmp Manual v3.15 - 5.4. Saving and loading device types

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5.4. Saving and loading device types

The currently selected device type definition can be saved to a disk file by selecting the FileSave Device Type menu item. This displays a dialog that enables you to enter or select the name of the file to which the device type should be saved.

To load a device type from a file, use the FileLoad Device Type menu item. This displays a dialog that enables you to enter or select the name of the file from which the device type should be loaded. If ModSnmp is "running" (i.e. the Run button is depressed), you will have to click the Run button before you can load the device type.

Device types are saved to files in XML format. There is, currently, no formal DTD (Document Type Definition) or XML schema for the format of these XML files. However, the format should be fairly evident to a human reader, and can easily be edited, if necessary, using a text editor.